Site selection is based on an evaluation of the location in regards to its traffic flow, neighborhood activity, and level of competition. In addition, we evaluate the size, zoning, and; customer accessibility. We have had great success in redeveloping legacy stores by purchasing adjacent property and expanding the shop and gasoline operation. Communities are familiar with our standards, long-term involvement, and contribution programs and realize, “We are closer to you.”
Site Development Plan Example
A photometric plan is always included with the Plan Set submission. Because we focus on controlling fixtures through back shielding bulbs and fixture orientation, we strive to achieve no light spillage will occur on neighboring parcels.
We try to accommodate plantings throughout the Site Plan without impacting sight distances and access.
The list below shows the plants that were planted at this shop. Take a peek at some of them, and their locations on the site map.
Pursuant to the Institute of Transportation Engineer Manual, Table 5.13 Pass-By Trips and Diverted Linked Trips Weekday, p.m. Peak Period (4p.m.-6p.m.) shows that on average the pass by trip percentage is 66 for our use convenience markets with gasoline pumps. The results from the table demonstrates and that Stewart’s Shop is not a destination business. It is a convenience business and our future customers will be the current daily drivers using the roadways and the surrounding community. Many people don’t realize what the traffic is through their neighborhood so we’ve provided a link for you to look:
We design our sites to best accommodate internal lot circulation and pedestrian accessibility. Our customers and partners safety are a top priority and much time is spent in the design process to make sure we accommodate proper flow.
Locations are selected based on where our use is allowed. This data comes from the municipality’s Zoning Map and District Uses which explains what uses and spatial relationships are required/allowed in a given zoning district.
Ambient noise from roadways is greater noise than any noise our development may generate.
We work with our suppliers, to obtain quiet line condensers/refrigeration units. These compressors only kick on operate when the inside temperature of the cooler/freezer raises above a specific temperature range.
We have an in-house licensed Geologist as well an Environmental Compliance & Remediation team who oversees all environmental compliance and regulations. As a self-insured company, we believe the first time you have to remediate is the best time to remediate all of it.
Our petroleum storage tanks exceed the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation standards and we standardize double wall fiberglass tanks with internal leak monitoring.